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Welcome to Moon Wives

What Is The Moon Wives Collective?

We are a new, small, and growing partnership offering spiritual healing face-to-face at Moon House in Siem Reap and online.  Our vision is to help awaken people to their own soul and to their soul wisdom through various healing practices.

Consisting of Mona and Fran, we consider ourselves a ‘collective’ because we welcome other healers to join and work alongside us: to come and go, to ebb and flow, with the waxing and waning of the moon.  

Primarily, we work one-to-one with clients who come to us for healing: spiritual, energetic, emotional, psychological, or physical.  We also offer group sessions including art workshops and guided meditation journeys.

Know your self !

What Do We Do?

Healing is a wide-ranging and multifaceted practice which can look very different depending which healers you work with and in which areas of the world you are in.  Mona and Fran united as Moon Wives because it was clear from the start that their healing practices complement beautifully.  Both of us work with spirit and with energy to bring about healing gently and at a pace suitable to those we work with.  Well-being and feeling good are top priorities.  

We both work with spirit and with energy (albeit in slightly different ways).  Spirits who we work with (and communicate with) are our spirit guides, our loved ones who have passed, and spirits of the land/trees/plants: they provide healing through us and we can receive messages from them.  We are very clear that working with spirit is a respectful practice: we only work in love and light, with full protection, for the greatest good.  Working with spirit is different to working with energy.  Energy is what the world is composed of: the building blocks of life, the building blocks of the universe.  Everything is energy: from the wooden table you are sat at, to the energy in your body (‘chi’ in Chinese tradition; ‘prana’ in Indian cultures).  Energy does not die: it evolves, it transforms.  We clear negative energy, remove blockages and create space for new energies.  And so, Mona and Fran combine their work with spirit and energy to bring about healing.

Certified in what they offer, Moon Wives have a wide-range of healing practices available: Rahanni Celestial Healing; Reiki; spiritual mediumship; psychic surgery; guided meditations; Psych-K; Jyoti; art therapy; and past-life healing journeys.  All healing offered by Moon Wives in gentle and non-invasive.  We want you to leave us feeling lighter, fresher, freer.


Why Might You Be Here?

Curiosity: perhaps something has piqued your interest.  You haven’t tried anything like this before, but you’re interested to give it a go.  Sound familiar?  We all need to start somewhere.  The beauty of healing with Moon Wives is that you don’t need to prepare anything and you don’t need any prior experience.  In fact, many of the people we have worked are ‘first-timers’ who just want to give it a go.  Nothing ventured; nothing gained.

A hunch: something is drawing you to explore healing.  You can’t put your finger on it.  In 2020, Fran (at that time a data-led, evidence-based, atheist sitting most comfortably within her masculine) found herself saying to a friend, “there’s just something ‘off’ with my energy.”  How did she know?  No idea.  Just a hunch.  But she was right.  Fast-forward 3 months, and she was trying her first reiki healing session.  She never looked back.


  • Physical niggles: perhaps you are feeling not-quite-yourself, but you aren’t sure why.  Sometimes, ascension symptoms can manifest in the physical body.  For example, Fran spend the 3 months leading up to her abrupt spiritual awakening waiting at the GP’s door: her hair was falling out; the nape of her neck swelled and stuck out; she was sweating profusely; she wasn’t sleeping so well; she just didn’t feel ‘right’.  Could the doctor help?  Not really.  She was prescribed some vitamins and nutrients, but otherwise, endured the symptoms of an unknown cause until she explored the spiritual aspects.  
  • Overworked; over-tired: when we work with people face-to-face on retreats or who are passing through Cambodia as tourists, often (but not always), people are tired.  Mentally worn-out.  They need a break, a rest, a retreat from their world.  The healing that Moon Wives offers is restorative.  Whether you want to ‘zone out’ and tap into the deep, heart-opening peace that Rahanni Celestial Healing can offer or if you want a more ‘involved’ role in 1-2-1 talking energy work that Psych-K offers, you can find release.  And the release leads to rest.  And rest is what you may need.
  • Spiritual development: if you are at the start of your spiritual journey or you’ve been walking the path for a while, with Moon Wives you can explore your inner landscape.  Guided meditations are a great means to developing or deepening your relationship with self, with others, with your spirit guides.  Jyoti provides a chance to self-observe and create awareness: look at yourself with neutrality.  Or ‘See Yourself’ package is a rare chance to combine healing and art: re-write your own story; see yourself in new light. 
  • A cleanse: we recommend having an energy ‘cleanse’ every 3 months.  It is a conscious way to keep your energy system balanced, harmonious and clear.  Positive well-being includes a pro-active approach to caring for your energy body.


Why Are We Called ‘Moon Wives’?

It wasn’t yet 8am on 14th December 2022, and Mona was sat at a tiny café on a red-dirt road in a village-scape of Siem Reap.  Mona’s pen exploded into clouds of colour: she sketched; she wrote.  Fran could see her eyes alight as ideas leap and bound.  Mona delighted in each new bolt of inspiration with child-like wonder.  She sparkled with light from the other realms.  

“Spiritual Midwives!” she exclaimed.

Fran paused.  She liked it, but it wasn’t quite right.

They talked, discussed, played with words a bit more.  ‘Midwives’ figuratively suggests someone assisting to bring about a project or a result… we liked this.  But the literal meaning of ‘mid-wife’, being ‘with woman’ (from the Middle English “midwife”: mid- “with” and “wif”- woman/wife/female) wasn’t fitting.  We welcome all genders and sexes; we wanted to avoid any restrictions.  And so, Mona’s eyes danced with inspiration…

“Moon Wives!” she beamed.

“Yes, Moon Wives.”

And so, Moon Wives was born.

The energy behind the name is still there: the desire to ‘birth’ or bring-into-being.  For Moon Wives, it is people’s awakening that they wish to assist with.  Moon Wives assists in people’s spiritual journeys, spiritual development, and healing (energetic, spiritual, emotional, psychological, physical).  

The moon plays an important role in our lives.  And we especially delight in the smiling Cambodian moon!  At every new moon, we set intentions for the cycle ahead.  What do we want to manifest in our lives?  And that isn’t necessarily material or physical (although it can be).  Often, intentions are set around feelings: what do we want to feel?  What do we want to experience?  What do we want to release and let go?  What do we want to invite in?  What do we want to create?  The cyclical nature of the moon cycle allows us to track our intentions: at the new moon, the seeds are planted.  With the first quarter, waxing moon, the intentions grow and begin to take root.  At the full moon, energies are high, and the intensity of intentions is maximised.  Gradually, with the last quarter of the moon, energies begin to wane with the moon- almost like a slow outbreath.  Intentions are rooted and in fruition.  Just in time for the welcoming of the dark moon period.  This is a time for quiet, for retreat, for rest.  It is often a time when the moon may disclose and show you something you haven’t seen before; after all, at the dark moon, we are at our most vulnerable, in our rawest state.  We can access our shadow side, just as the moon sits in the shadow of the sun.  And then the cycle starts again… There’s a beauty to the seasons of the moon.

Who are Mona and Fran?

Mona and Fran met at the end of 2022 in a yoga and meditation retreat in Siem Reap: Fran was working as Healer in Residence and Mona as Artist in Residence.  Fran had just moved to Cambodia from living on Penang island, Malaysia, and Mona had moved back to Cambodia following three years in Germany.  The universe conspired and so, they met and fast became friends.  From the get-go, it was clear that they shared great enthusiasm for healing and spirituality.  And more than that, it became clear that their healing complemented each other.  Within a month of meeting, Moon Wives was born.  The universe wastes no time when something is right. 

Fast forward to 1st January 2023 and Moon Wives move into Moon House.  The red and blue walls of the healing room were stripped and painted fresh white and warm yellow.  Crystals, singing bowls, incense were moved in.  Spirits were honoured and invited.  Goddesses were invoked.  The room was crystal gridded and blessed.  The energy was cleansed and charged.  And the Moon Wives were ready to open their doors.


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