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Transformational Journeys 
Moon Wives Therapies are here to guide you
To step into your Power

What Do I believe about myself
and how can I be a more conscious co-creator
of my life’s experiences? 

We offer 2 different Packages.
each a journey with a different focus,
supporting you in your Self-discovery and spiritual growth.


Becoming Aware is Key – With Mona

Awareness & Transformation

This inner work with Mona brings together:  a series of six sessions, a theme based group Workshop, a recorded Meditation equipping you with self-empowering tools,  and a PDF to guide you on your path of transformation.

In order to know yourself, it is necessary to observe closely with kindness, understanding and clarity.  Mona is here to hold a mirror and guide you to gain more self-awareness which is the key to self-empowerment.  To self-love means seeing without judging and understanding the why, without regret or blame.

Spiritual growth is inner work: it is a path, not as a quick solution.  Lasting solutions will grow from understanding oneself,  from clearing negative beliefs and emotions, and from planting new seeds and choosing new directions.

We will explore all four bodies: the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. Together, we gain understanding about hidden limiting beliefs, stored negative emotions, unhealthy coping mechanisms, disharmony in patterns and unaware reactions to life itself.

  • Session 1: Energy Reading
    //  1.5 h
    I hold a mirror to help you see yourself differently. Together,  we observe your energy field, create awareness and begin to change patterns.
  • Session 2: Clearing
    //  1.5 h
    Releasing negative, stuck emotions and limiting beliefs from the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical body.
  • Session 3: Aligning
    //  1 h
    Bringing your energy centres  and spinal flow into alignment, and reconnecting the nadis. Now we begin to redesign the garden.
  • Session 4: Connecting
    //  1 h
    Rooting your Higher Self into your heart space, and reconnecting
 your journey to your unique higher purpose.
  • Session 5: Balancing
    //  1.5 h
    Equilibrating the 4 Elements and harmonising your masculine & feminine energy
  • Session 6: Directing
    //  1 h
    Planting new positive beliefs into the garden of your precious consciousness, to a create new focus.
  • Theme Based Group Workshop
    // 2h
  • Who Can Benefit?
    perhaps you want to understand yourself better or explore a process of self-realisation
    perhaps you feel a change is needed in your life
    perhaps you have gone through a wounding experience and want to understand and heal
    perhaps you are repeating a pattern which you would like to let go of
    perhaps you are experiencing physical illness and wish to explore a more holistic way of healing, understanding and clearing the root
  • Time Commitment

    6 1o1 sessions and one Group WS within 10 weeks

  • Invest in your Self

    Value $696
    $ 555 – NEW YEAR DISCOUNT – if you book this Package before 31 January 2025

  • Provided Material
    Sessions are recorded, a booklet (as PDF) is provided to accompany you on the path, one recorded meditation is provided to support the process of clearing and aligning your energy centres.
To know yourself truly – With Fran

Unlock Your Spiritual Potential

Embark on a transformative journey with Fran’s Spiritual Development Package. Learn powerful meditation techniques, tap into your inner strength, and connect with your spiritual guides. Discover the magic of self-discovery and spiritual growth with Fran’s guidance.

  • Session 1:
    Breathwork & Self-Hypnosis
    Dive into the world of meditation with Fran as she introduces you to breathwork and self-hypnosis techniques. These practices serve as the gateway to powerful meditations, allowing you to quiet the mind and access deeper states of consciousness.
  • Session 2:
    Chakra Cleansing Meditation
    Explore the energy centres of your body with a guided chakra cleansing meditation.  Learn how to balance and harmonise your chakras for optimal well-being and spiritual alignment.
  • Session 3:
    Sit in Your Power
    Empower yourself with a meditation session focused on sitting in your power.  Connect with you’re your energies and learn to discern what your energy feels like.  This is an empowering skill for you to be able to recognise what is your energy and what’s not.  This is especially important for empaths.
  • Session 4:
    Meet Your Spirit Animal or Spirit Guides
    Embark on a journey to meet your spirit animal or spirit guides through guided meditation. Experience the wisdom and guidance of these spiritual beings as they offer insight and support on your path.
  • Who Can Benefit?
    Individuals who are wishing to bring stillness into their heart and mind
    People who are keen to develop their spiritual world
    Those curious to explore energy and spirit
  • Time Commitment
    4 hours (four 1-hour sessions)
  • Invest in your Self


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